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Monday 6 January 2014

Vice Chancellor Required - Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of agriculture Multan -

Vice Chancellor Required - Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of agriculture Multan -
VICE CHANCELLOR REQUIRED FOR MUHAMMAD NAWAZ SHAREEF UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, MULTAN Government of the Purest, is seek, the sennces of outstanding professionals of International raw* for appointment as Vice Chancellor of Muhammad Noway Stately Unit/wady of egricultue 11000endy. Multan EUGSLITY CRITERIA PhD S AgncnItute or reLated academic Campine from a recograed Unnersity or eoutralent gLiaafidatol, The candidate aapald have a natemam expenence of 15 years teaching, admiratratve. Ptannlna and ....MM.. ni The candidates shotld have to In credit a man. al 5 quant, research publications HEC recogrieed iv This is a leaderstop 000900 +0 main responsabitly ol premonng acadeno excellence, transparent governance and mottratng the untversay faculty and administration to work together for acheying increasingly higher ..ards of leaohng, leammg and research, v The poneon also requires rich expe.nce in academic and financial management yet proven track record of skOs 0 intating and 100009009 001090 5010090 6100,10 overseemg 0m050001000 and On capable', of mobil., resources for the untversey and es ream000 programme and networking ynth 00000. and intematonal misfitutions Other skills required for Vice Chancellor incl.e the ahtlity to Integrate the msults Of agnitultral research into agnoullral mouton aId to spread Pe tenets to dle faanerS trough a modem system of disseminator a. edension A person who is eligible anti oMo ts not more Man holy five years of age on ne last Oats foted for 01000 5601 of applications for the post of Vice Chancellor Slay apply TERMS AND CONDITIONS  They shall hoki office dunrog Me pleasure of no Chanceor for alert not exceedng I our years .1 effect from Oa date of Besic Satan, entanalent 5. PrOleaSOr at 101010 Deck Syetem Me notary =Am Nibs al i.e. and no other al... benefit a00 010099 .0 be edrtissibby • Me. 0000O5 WNW. le Phloem al Terve Track Shaw, Yr. Wye OiercekeAlemenee al be* ph. o Tramprel en1 rnedkal as me wIlentowl el EIS22_ Nyi other perk end whlege weed by Me awake es Owned mangy mew p.m ch.... Ehlble 0.0401050 00 woad 61 at BOA Pepal e10ebwr0 00000 21 ounicblurn vetee. Wu.. O. OP. deb. test OrolaL beeearoh Grim% Awerde as be refneelrel Inoedgelor Oft than the Research Grant Oven by the parent university): InlemIlkehl .neallionors, Best HOC Teacher Award; 0ee0,11 Awards (Ch400e0kleal6 One recent passood nye photographs; list of 1200ese00 bublicalions heionel sod Inter.* duly rearvie00 by the Higher Eduabon 0010*5000 I how* ht of Research Publications published in erred deetorjow. Inlemelmol rwhe by nwooning OW factor agakest eacn Kauko, =la WW1 sheement la the Owe., Oa more hen ehe papal O Hard copy <I whithion carolers h reg.% Wald reach he address gem be. hot NSeEstt FeOnsry, 2014. Orly mon 1001 candela. ...led for inteniew by the See. Correntess. No Trehlirry Movanceeady Alavanoe 0011105 arkrissitee. SECRETARY GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT 2-BANK ROAD, OLD Pith BUILDING, CIVIL SECRETARIAT, PUNJAB, LAHORE PHONE: 692-42-99210130 FM: +92-42.99211796


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