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Friday, 31 January 2014

Tender Notice - OGDCL - Islamabad

Tender Notice - OGDCL - Islamabad

Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL), the largest Exploration and Production listed Company of Pakistan intends to procure material! services for its operations. The details about the company can be obtained from website 2. Sealed bids, along with Bid Bond mentioned in the SOR/TOR to be submitted with technical bid from a Scheduled Bank or any branch of Foreign Bank operating in Pakistan, am invited for the material services given below under Competitive Bidding Procedure on Single Stage Two Envelops Bidding System as per Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Rules.
S. TENDER ENQUIRY NO. # DESCRIPTION BIDS SUBMISSION DATE & TIME BID OPENING DATE & TIME 1. PROC-FD/CB/50-1020 /2013 HIRING OF 13-3/8" WHIPSTOCK WINDOW CUTTING SERVICES 05.03.2014 1030 Hrs. 05.03.2014 1100 Hrs PROC-FE/CB/P&P/ MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENT 05.03.2014 05.03.2014 2. CHANDA-1043/2014 SPARE PARTS 1430 Hrs. 1500 Hrs PROC-PC/CB/P&P/ SPARE PARTS FOR AJAX 06.032014 06.03.2014 3. CHANDA-1037/2013 COMPRESSOR 1030 Hrs. 1100 Hrs. PROC-FE/ CB/ML-1034 / MUD LOGGING SENSORS & 06.03.2014 06.03.2014 4. 2013 SPARES 1430 Hrs. 1500 Hrs. PROC-FB/CB/ PROD-996/ 5. 2013 48,6" SEAMLESS PIPE LINE 07.03.2014 1030 Hrs. 07.03.2014 1100 Hrs REPLACEMENT OF 26 INCH DIA SALE GAS LINE ABOUT 15 KM 6. PROC-PD/CB/ C&ESS-1068 / 2014 AT UCH GAS FIELD NEAR DERA MURAD JAMALI 10.03.2014 1030 Hrs. 07.03.2014 1100 Hrs DISTRICT DERA BUGHTI BALOCHISTAN PROC-FR/CB/ PROD-977/ WELL HEAD AND GATHERING 10.03.2014 10.03.2014 7. 2013 AREA MATERIAL 1430 Hrs. 1500 Hrs
3. Tender document(s), Annear e(s), SOR / TOR can be viewed and downloaded from website www.ogdrtcorn under the title bar of Tenders. OGDCL does not sell hard copy of tender docurnents. 4. The bids shall be delivered at the reception of OGDCL House, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan on or before the date and time mentioned against each tender and the same will be opened as per the schedule mentioned above. 5. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all the bids at any time prior to award of Purchase Order/Service Order A. In view of the security measures, complete name. designation and CNIC No. of authorized representative desiring to attend the tender opening meeting must be provided in advance so that Security/Reception is accordingly informed for allowing entry.
TENDER ENQUIRY NO. PROC-FD/CB/PROJ (KPD-TAY)-964/2013 HIRING SERVICES OF PC-CONTRACTOR FOR INSTALLATION OF FLOWUNE AND GAS GATHERING FACILITIES FOR KPD-TAY INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE-II (PC-1)  With reference to our Tender Notice and Extension published in National Newspapers dated December 07,2013 and January 09. 2014 respectively, 'it is notified that Bid submission / Opening date against subject mentioned Tender Enquiry has been extended from Janu_ary,30, 2014 to February 13. 2014. Bid submission / opening time and all other terms & conditions of Tender Notice shall remain unchanged. 4,00.,% General Manager (Supply Chain Management) glipi OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED (OGDCL) ,01 0 G DChLoHOUSE. eN 0J012N-N57-0A2V0E0N2U3E64B0- F LU EA,R NEA,o 5 1S L0A2MA1 9B-AD2.1 9P5A0KIS0TAN Phone
Goa. to Grow


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