Tender Notice
Convent WabeamiaMen atamsbooal humanitarian caganizahon dedfcated to reducing suffering and ending extreme poverty. Concern invites sealed tenders from registered suppliers for its Early recovery Livelihoods Support for Flood Affected Populahon of Sindh and Baluchistan project funded by Depadment For International Development - DFID for the supply of the following items at District Jafferabad (Balochistan) & Jaccobabad (SIndh), Pakistan.
Khanf season lalcilen vegetated seeds
Details in Tender Pack
2500 Packages
Kitchen garden tool Ids
Details In Tender Peck
2500 kits
TelfelANISYM 1. Tender documents can be collected from Concern Islamabad office H.No.8, Street No 30, MN, Islamabad, from SOrlarn to 4:00pm. Monday to Filday by paying a norvrefundable fee of PKR 2M0/- The tender pack can also be down loaded from our website httollvAvw.concern.neVwhere-we-workiasiaMakistan. Interested bidders who dow load the bid documents from the websffe will be required lo deposit the tendert. along With their bid. Sealed tenders should reach Concern Islamabad office H.No.8, Street Na 30, PM Islamabad on or before 1200 hours on February 05, 2014 and shoold be clearly marked 'TENDER - NNW be opened before1100 bre on February 05,201f Tenders will be opened on the same day le February 05. 2014 at 1202 Ms in Ore presence of suppliers or Solar representatives, who wish to witness the tenderopening. In One a public holiday is announced by the Govemment (Duet° any reason) the tender MI be opened the next working day at the same the and venue. Apay orded demand draft in favOrOrConcern %Noddy/We' with a value of 5% of frothy amount must also accompany Ihe bid as Tender Guarantee Eltds received withoutTender Guarantee may be rejected. If the selected bidder refuses to sign the supplies contract then Concern reserves the right to forfeit the bid security 6. Bids received withoutsamples may be rejected. The Supplier must quote only one option for each item. Beds received with more Man one options and rads may be rejected. Bidders can apply tuna single or multiple lots. Concern reserves the Hahne di,. Me orderlor wise. S Tender committee reserves the right to change the quantities or cancel/reject any or all offers withoutassigning any reason. 10. Suppliers must not be engaged in any corrupt. fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices including but not limited to applying/ bidding by multiple names / companies. If any bidder shooed to be involved in such practices halter bid may be rejected and the oompanies in question permanently deck listed. It Lowest price will not be the sole critede quadV. deliverv ante and previous experience will also be considered.
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