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Friday, 31 January 2014

Tender Notice - Jamshoro Power Company Limited

Tender Notice - Jamshoro Power Company Limited

Description of
Last Date of Issue
Services for presentation, blingre presentation and pursuing of Tad Petition of Supercritical Unit of 600 MV(rat) using Blends of Sub-bituminous Coal and domestic lignite for Jamshoro Power Company Um. (.1PCL) bebe National BectiicPower Regulatory Author, NEPRA) Islamabad till final determination by ,NEPRA
Last Date of Receiving
Date & liens of Opening Technical Proposal
27.02.2014 upto 11:00 Hrs
27.02.2014 at 14:00 Firs
Terms 00 Conditions for Participation
A- Eligirmbility Consulting Firm having sound expenence in similar assignment of Fi. parg,,ag,for IPPs and other Power Pmducer in Pakistan.
B. Bidding Procedure /Single stage-two envelope Proccedure)
C. Tender Can be Purchased during office hours from
1-The Bid shall comprise a single package containing two separate envelopes. Eaoh envelope shall contain separately the financial proposal and the technical proposal. 2-The envelope shall be marked as °FINANCIAL PROPOSAL'. and 'TECHNICAL PROPOSAL.' in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion. Initially, only the envelopes marked TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. shot be o.ned. The envelopes marked as ''FINANCIAL PROPOSAL. shall be retained in the custody of the Jamshoro Power Company Limited without being opened. 5-The financial proposals of bids shall be opened publidy at a time, date and venue announced and communicated to the bidders in advance.
1- JPCL office TPS Jamshoro Dada Road Jamshoro, G.M Thermal 197-Wapda House Lahore 3- Resident Representative, 189-P, Block-2 P.E.C.H.S-PECHS Girls College Karachi 4- On request to JPCL office through Courier Post Services paying additional Rs. 500 along with Tender Fee.
D. Earnest Money — /Each Tender)
1 E-1.ender Fee /Each Tender) F. Place of Opening '
3, of the quoted bid in the shape of Call Deposit,
Rs. 10001- only in Cash or 05001-in the shape of Bank Draft.
Conference Room of JPCL office TPS Jamshoro Dada Road Jamshoro.
Note: This Notice is also available on websites of PPRA & JPCL.


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