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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Govt of Sindh Culture Tourism & Antiquities Department

Govt of Sindh Culture Tourism & Antiquities Department
Sealed Tenders under SPPRA Rule 46(2) 2010 are invited for celebrations of Sindh Festival at various places its Sindh from reputable, experienced and financially sound Event Managers /Organizers.
Sindh Festival
Description of Work
Promotion of cultural heritage, tourism through large scale ATL/BTL (above the line/below the (ine) activities such as Sindh festival etc to establish long term brands owned by the government.
Fabrication of Stage, Back Drop, Multimedia Facility, Decoration, Catering Services, Tentage, Food & Beverages, Lighting, 3D Sound & Lights, RA Sound System, T.V Production, Printing & Publications, Awards & Shields, Transportation, Electric Generators, National Talent Hunt, Sindh Art Festival, Sindh Film Festival, Sindh Fashion Festival, Fishing Competition, Donkey Darby, Basant, Festival City and Other Event Material, etc.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. The intending participants can purchase Tender Documents containing scope of work and terms and conditions from the date of publication of this notice and up to 01:00 p.m on Friday, 03-01-2014 the set of tender documents containing Technical specifications and other details from the office of Secretary Cu(ture, Tourism & Antiquities Department, 1'. floor, Old KDA Building, Sindh Secretariat No.03. Karachi, against payment of Tender fee Rs.10,000/- (Non-refundable) for each tender in shape of Pay Order in the name of Secretary, Culture, Tourism & Antiquities Department, Government of Sindh. 2. Tender documents shall be received back up to 01.0 p.m on Monday, 06-01-2014 and will be opened of the same date at 02:00 p.m in the presence of Procurement Committee and participating bidder(s) or their authorized representatives, if they wish to attend. 3. Eligibility conditions are as per Sindh PPRA Rules, 2010, for tender participants which are as under:- a) Proven experience in relevant field. b) The availability of necessary relevant machinery / equipment/Material for the said event. c) Premises / office at Karachi and other places in Sindh / Pakistan. d) Registration with Income Tax Department (NTN) Certificate. e) Registration with Sales Tax Department (GST) Certificate. f) Undertaking on affidavit that the firm is not involved in any litigation or has not abandoned any work in any department. g) Provide Bank recommendation latter to declare sound position. 4. The bidders should submit earnest money @2% of the bid amount, in shape of call deposit/ pay order/demand draft prepared from the scheduled bank in favor of Secretary, Culture, Tourism & Antiquities Department, Government of Sindh, Karachi. 5. It is categorically mentioned that conditional bids / tenders will not be accepted. 6. As per SPPRA (2010) Rule 46(2) bidders are required to submit "Technical" & "Financial Proposal" separately in clearly marked envelops mentioning,"Technical Proposal" and "Financial Proposal" in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion. Initially only the envelope marked "Technical Proposal" shall be opened. "Financial Proposal" of only those bidders will be considered / opened, whose "Technical Proposal" is qualified / accepted by the Tender Committee. The earnest money/pay order to be kept in the envelope of"Financial Proposal". 7. The Financial Proposal will be opened, after finalizing the names of organizers whose Technical Proposal is qualified /accepted by the Tender Committee. 8. Affidavit to the effect that all documents/particulars/information furnished is true and correct is also required. 9. The Tender Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any bid/tender without assigning any reason, as per the provisions of the SPPRA Rules, 2010. 10. The successful bidders shall enter into an agreement (on Stamp Paper) with the Culture,Tourism & Antiquities Department that the work will be completed in accordance with the SPPRA (2010) Rule No. 18. 11. SPPRA Rules. 2010 will be strictly observed. SAQIB AHMED SOOMRO 12. This tender notice is also available at SPPRA Website. Secretary INF/KRY/3043/2013 Culture, Tourism & Antiquities Department


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