1. Applications are invited from the Pakistani Nationals, who are not married to a foreign national for making appointments on purely temporary basis in the Project "Para Veterinary School, Layyah". 2. Applications are required with attested copies of testimonials certificates alongwith one recent attested passport size photograph. 3. Persons already employed in Government or other organizations should submit their applications through proper channel within due date. The requisite No Objection Certificate from present employer must reach in the Office of the Registrar before or on the last date for the receipt of applications, failing which such applications will be treated as rejected and no call for interview will be issued. 4. All Government employees who intend to apply for the posts through proper channel shall clarify through the Heads of the attached departments that there is no pending inquiry! outstanding dues against them. Moreover, there are no adverse remarks in any of their annual confidential reports. These conditions are necessary for the grant of departmental permission certificate / No Objection Certificate (NOC). 5. Incomplete applications or those received after the due date will not be entertained. 6. The University reserves the right: a. not to fill any or all the advertised posts without assigning any reason. b. to adjust / transfer! post the selected candidate at any campus / centre of the University. c. to short list the applications / candidates in accordance with the criteria to be determined by the Vice Chancellor. d. to increase or decrease the number of posts. 7. Interview call letters will be issued to only eligible candidates. 8. Age should not be less than 18 years and more than 35 years. 9. 2% quota in each category of posts is reserved for disabled persons. 10.Applications complete in all respect should reach in the Office of the Registrar, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore upto 06.01.2014 during office hours.
Name of Posts I Pay Scale & Minimum Qualification / Requirement I
(All posts purely on temporary basis till the completion of the Project)
One (01) Assistant Pay Scale: BPS-14 (Rs.8000-610-26300) Graduate (2nd Div) with 05 years Office experience in Govt. or Semi Govt. or Autonomous Body. One (01) Stenographer/ Computer Operator/ Data Manager Pay Scale: BPS-12 (Rs.7000-500-22000) i. Intermediate from recognized University. ii. A speed of 80 wpm in short hand in English and 35 wpm in typewriting One (01) Artificial Insemination Technician Pay Scale: BPS-09 (Rs. 6200-380-17600) Diploma in Al. Technician with 05 years of relevant experience One (01) Senior Clerk Pay Scale: BPS-09 (Rs. 6200-380-17600) Intermediate Examination with full subjects from a recognized University or Board OR a matriculation Examination from a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education with 05 years experience of General Office work in Govt. Semi-Govt. or a statutory body. Ability to type is desirable. Two (02) Chowkidar Pay Scale: BPS-01(Rs. 4800-150-9300) Candidate must be healthy/active and Ex-Military man. Age should not more than 40 years. Two (02) Mali. Pay Scale: BPS-01(Rs. 4800-150-9300) Literate. Candidate must be healthy. One (01) Sweeper One (01) Fodder Cutter/ Baildar
IPL-12615 DR. MUHAMMAD AFZAL (Registrar) Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani (Outfall) Road, Near District Courts, Lahore. Phone No. (Direct):042-99212868, PBX:042-99211449-50 & 99211374 (Ext: 133), Fax #:042-99211461,
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