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Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Tender Notice - National Highways and Motorways Police -

Tender Notice - National Highways and Motorways Police -
National Highways a motorways Police Phone, 057.23620S5
Tender Notice
firms for culling and slitening of NP&AAP uniforms for aecbx of the year 20112010. Bp, shall be submitted on presented tender documents containing detailed pecfficallons of items and terms P condition. Tender doouments can he obtained from the office of OPPSCPO Snes Isl.Purhan, MI, office hours before the lipulated date. Tender documents are also available at weballe WWW.Illunpdges.plt and Subtle prOCuternent RegulatOry Apt,' Ority'S W81,611■0 ....PPM...M.P. The bids should reach in the office of OSFSCP0 Burhan on. same date and venue at 12:00 hrs, by0.01.201/ thatsPlIboopened on. same date and venue et 1230 hr., In ffie presence of accredited renresentativesolthefirrnsandpurchasecorntnittee
Mal Ahmed Khan CPO/DSP Lines HO Secretary Purchase Committee, M-1 Sector


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