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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Tender Notice for Office Supplies

Tender Notice for Office Supplies
IA nonprofit organization a plan, to ewer into maw° contraol(s) sally selected and reputable company(s) for Office Supplies including the rollmop. • StatIonerles • Groceries • Toiletries • IT Supplies
'Zy7r'pa l'ntrftelldo:ngr'd=raVarco'ne=s t'011e'rglerreTa'y VcroT;:nt for sularessern Wender documents Prude company Profile errffi complete cleta. ol seater contracts perronned Pronde relevant and yenfiable Prekrence List or Clients pros. yetd copy of company registration and an registration seddroales Provide rates inclusive of Ne applosable taxes Potent separate sealed tenders ler he above laYsd Pans along pen finanaal proposal st blouse Al 11, Street II 15, F-Mstamabad arles1 by Felavery 04, 2014 Bidders should submit Pres balding Mum.. tn tender boson the address given above and roust ppn all Ne tender rat:aster Pod upon submaspn of tender Ontlan.dtan rte. toeoceoterrereetenY part or the entee lender erPlasoi assigning any reasons Organism. ene noir. responable ler any costs incurred for PrePeraPon end sobrateslon ProPesePS) presented in response to ass notate Please send an ernad to or pentad on .92112.012029, for furter details regarding the lat or lents and speuficalrons

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