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Saturday 18 January 2014

Tender Notice - Food Department Govt of The Punjab -

Tender Notice - Food Department Govt of The Punjab -
Govt of the Punjab Food Department
Sealed tenders are invited In the name of Secretary Food/Procuring Agency, Government of the Punjab. Food Department, Civil Secretariat, Lahore for the supply of Aluminum Phosphide Tablets in accordance with the conditions of Punjab Pr.urement Rules, 2009 and any additional instructions, as pl,r specifications given below,
Particulars of GoodS1Specification  Quantity . Delivery period 1. Aluminum Phosphide Tab. ImoortedfLocal env brend, I) Alurninum Phosphide content by weight klax- 56% AOAC 26:559(1943)Aluminurn Phosphide rnust be free from pb-Cd and As. li)ln. substances as hydrophIc and fr. Max- 44 % retardant age. and table. aids. iii)Total release of PH3 per tablet 1 gram Gas - 33% iv)Tablets shall start evolving PH3 gas al least 30 minutes .r t.ets have be. unpacked. v) Weight of ea. tablet vl) Evolving of PH3 gas shall stop after120 hours3Cif gurnap7cking of tablets. Ash must be free of pb. Cd and As. vii) Tablets when expos. to atmospheric humidity a. temperature shall not show any evidence of spontaneous combustion. The .mposition of the tab. shall indude a suitable fire retarding agent viii) The tablets must be resistant against abras. and shall not be in broken condi. when un.packed. ix).The tab. must not be manufactu. before thr. months ago .d date of manufacturing of the tablets must be mentioned / printed on their containers. x). The tablets should be packed in bottle of 1 or 1.5 kg of International standard. Expiry Milt of the tablets must be for a period of two years and the same must also be printed on the containers. T. printed matter can be obtained from the Ser. Techni.I Officer. 41,500 Ng 454:tays from the date of contract or earlier 2. Dettamathrine 2.5 % (wlv) EC 1.Manufactured not more than 3 months ago and the date of manufacturing of this store must be mentioned on its container. 2.Two years expiry limit of this store must be pri.d Oil the container. The material should be packed in new clean suitable orte liter plastic Cane of Intern.. quality used for the packing of insect... Malta should be printed as TUNAJB FOOD DEPARTMENT 20144, '2,100 Liters • • , • • - 45.clays from the date Of COnfract or earlier
OTHER CONDITIONS. 1.The product should be registered / approved with the Federal GovemmeM Plant Protec. Department. 2. Tenders subrni. by firm(s) other Lhan manufacturers must be accompaniedwith Manufacturer's certificate. Tenders submitted without such certificate will not be considered. 3. The firm should be registered with the Sales Tax Departhrent Tenders suthitt. by the firrn should be accompanied the Sal. Tax Registration certificate from the Sales Tax Departrnent
1.,ency. :oft 1,:factildeeTtV:, 0a)ranie4s03,1tret,de ZZ,'"1:s50,guilsec.:7,25:107dc:r2 the successful bidders. 5. Offers will . effective for 60-days from the date of opening of tenders. 8 All tenders should be submitted in du*ate in single envelop containing, separately, financial proposal and technical under rule 36(a) of PPRA Rul., 2009. The tom. doaments can be obthined from the Cashier, Food Department on payment of Rs.5001- per tender. 7. Each page of the tender documents i.e tender forms will be signed by the tenderer alongwith name and rubber stamp. 8 Un.loading and stacking charg. at consignee's end will be the responsibility of the supplier. 9. Analysis report from any state ovmed laboratory ins.e or any other laboratory nominated by the Senior Technical Officer will be accePtabie. 10. The procurement pro... a whole shall be governed by the terms and conditions as laid down in the Punjab Pnxurement Rules, 2009. 11. The date of receipt of tender do.ments will start from the .te of publication of tender no.. Last date for submission of tender documents will . 30.01.2014 at 11.00 A.M T.derers who can not submit their tender documents per.nally should submit their ten.r pocuments thr.h couner semi. or through registered post ensuring the, r.eipt before the dosing of tenders' submission time. 12. Tenders will be opened in the C,ommitt. Room of Food Department uMer the Chairmanship of Secretary Food, Punjab, Lahore in the pr.ence of tenderers or their representatives on 30.012014 at 11.30 A.M. 16. T. Procurthg Agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. 102 03304144 ggency shall upon requ.t communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid Of proposal, the grou. for its rejection of all bids or proposal but is not required to justify these grounds under tvle 33 (1) Of PP. Rul., 2009.
)PL : 463


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