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Wednesday 8 January 2014

Required for Proposals - Consultancy Services - Islamabad -

Required for Proposals - Consultancy Services - Islamabad -
Request for Proposal
Consultancy Services
Development of Marketing Strategy in the International Market for dried Food Productsof Gilgit/Balfistan Ev-K2-CNR in the framework of SEED (Social Economic and Environmental Developmen0Rrojectreguires consultancy services in■nolving but not limited tote tasks sum matted below: • Devising a strategyfor marketing identifying the most suitable markets intemationally for the products produced at food processing factory in Skardu executed by BCDF (BaRistan Cultural Development Foundation). • Suggest potential products wit regard to their marketabiliry abroad considering the available fruits r Gilgit-Baltistan including, apricots, apple, cherry etc holding consultative meetings with stakeholders and partners induding BCDF Skardu Firms having relevant experience can submit their technical and financial proposal in separate sealed envelopes latest by February S2014. Further information can be received through email arifharifaomail com Toss can obtained from House No 3-A, Street 55, F-7/ 4, Islamabad.


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