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Monday, 27 January 2014

Quotation for Printing of Cadet College Hasan Abdal -

Quotation for Printing of Cadet College Hasan Abdal -
QUOTATIONS FOR PRINTING OF CADET CADET COLLEGE MAGAZINE-2014 Sealed quotations are invited for the printing of the College Magazines from reputed printers which are registered with sales/income tax departments. Printers having experience of printing magazines and having their own press/binding facilities are eligible to apply. 800 copies of College Magazine each consisting of about 200 pages (including "composing of about 80 pages of Urdu section) in four colours, are required to be printed with the following specifications. a. Size : A4 b. For Text : 115 grams matt finish c. For photographs : 115 grams rnatt finish d. For Title: Art Card -260 grams matt finish The Printers of Rawalpindi/Islamabad can apply only. The sealed quotations along with pay order or bank draft worth 2% of the quoted amount in favour of Principal Cadet College Hasan Abdal. on account of earnest money. (refundable) should reach this office by February 12, 2014. Quotations will be opened at 1200 hrs on February 12, 2014.1n the presence of the bidders or their representatives (The bidders are also required to bring along printed material/ magazines/books as samples). Note. The College Magazine Committee reserves the right to reject the quotations (even of the lowest bidder) if they are not up to the desired printing standard of the College. Principal Cadet College Hasan Abdal 057-2520200, 2520201


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