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Thursday 19 December 2013

Board Building Division Khanewal Tender

works mentioned below, froin the contractors firms enlisted W. C A W Department / Chief Engineer District Supports M Monitoring Department Lahore / EDO (WAS) .anewal in the field of Buildings works for the year 2013-14. Tender documents can be obtained from the office of ...signed 00 0.060. request accompanied with mos. mPres, re dam 2012.14, renewal letter and fee receipt FRESH PEC license 2013. authority inter. applimtion on pad fonn of original contractor / firm (only in favour of Partner of the Firm will be acceptable). Identity Card Of C00100010006000 partner 01 06, firm along w811 registered power of atlomey. production of COB 2. earnest money and all payment of tender Mc mentioned ea. whams through CDR. Tender. rates and amounts should be filled in figures a, well as in words and tenders should he signed as per genera M.O. given in tender documents. Tenders will be received in Me °Mee of Me undersigned up ro 01:00 P.M on the date of opening of tenders and will bc opened immediately by Me District Tender Board in Me presence of intending contractors or their authorimd rep.entatives. Conditimal lender and renders not accompanied with earnest money in shape of Fresh deposit at call receipt from Schedule Bank and attested copies of registered partnership deed and power of atom, in case of firms will nothe entertained/ mceptabAccordrng 10 206111006 clause No.26-A Additional Performance Seemity will ham to be Mposited by Me contractor himself and no Information their upon will be conveyed to the contraaor in OM regard wiMin stipulated period 15 days alter receipt of tenders. Undersigned shall have 050 00550. of rejecting any or all 01 020 enders without assigning any reason thereof & will not be .und to award Me contract to the lowest or to any other teams. Date of receipt of applications alongwiM CDR of Tenders Fee Datedi 28-12-2012. Dare of Issue of Tenders Data, 2-1.2014 Date of mcei of Tenders 0.0,44014
Berne of work
Estimated (oMM)
Eam. Money
Cm, letim Time
Tarter Fee
Special Repair of Circuit Houee IChanewal
,Buo (WAS) lewl ../EDO de 12-12-2012
The tender documents be ossued on y to t ose contractors firm, . pre ent origiml documents being sole proprietor or Managing Due.... Termer of Ore firm in person Ph. copim will entertained a am at (1).faulter contactors cannot pMicipate in Tender Promaire. (2)Anymr. mn orne and watch / wale. the tender opening pram: ea. YreSS Benno. and lecmd Representative are particularly encouraged 06 0600, 000 0000± 00000.600 EINEM District Officer Secretary District Tender Board Buildings Division Khanewal


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