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Saturday, 1 February 2014

Khyber Medical University Peshawar - Faculty Required -

Khyber Medical University Peshawar - Faculty Required -
 KHYBER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY PESHAWAR Committed to Excellence in Academics and Research 
Khyber Medial University, Peshawar requires the services of eligible candidata for the following positions:
a. MRBS/BDS along with completion osnIficateof housejob training (one year) b. Valid PMDC Registration c. Appointment will be purely on adhoc basis for a period of six months e.endable for further period or satisfactory performance subject to the requirement of university against fixed salaryof Rs 50,0001-permonthfor KMU constituent InstituteatKIMSKohat. O. Age upto40 years
Teaching Assistant
a. Bachelordegree of Physt.ITherapy(DPT/BSPTticoursecomNetioncertificateof DPT/BSPT. Appoinhnent sill be purely on adhoc basis for a period of six months extendaNe for further period on satisfactory perfcrmance suNectto the requirement of university against ftred salary of Rs 20.000/. Ferment forKMU constituent Institute at IPM&RPeshawar. c. Age upto 30 years
Eligible candidata are required to appear before the KMU Selection Commrttee on Monday, 10/0212014, at 09.300.m along with original CNIC, photographs. PMDC Registration. educational documents experience certificates etc. at the Commit. Room of Khyber Medical Unlversfty Peshawar. Photocopies of complete set of document along with application form Mach can be deem loaded from KMU webs!. ( attested /filled tat respects are required to submit ate fime ofintendaw. • NaTA/DAshall be admissible. N.B. Errors are liable to rectification by the University; the Competent Authority reserves the right to increase / decrease or cancel the number of post (s) etc.
REGISTRAR KHYBER MEDICAL UNIVERSITY PDA exuding, Block-IV, Phase 5, Hayatabad, Peshawar Ph: 921,03 Fax: 9217704


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