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Sunday, 2 February 2014

Fauji Foundation Model Schools - Teachers Required

Fauji Foundation Model Schools - Teachers Required
1. Vacancies of Science / Arts teachers in FauV Foundation Model Schools at following locations are available. Female can apply for MI subjects, however, male can apply too Science/En ffirsh subjects onl
Stations Subjects Stations Subjects Hyderabad Pak Std Mirpur (has Maths, Phys. Chemblry, Biology, EngFsh, Ane Art Pak Std, lolairbal Karachi — II Phys,cs Nawah Shah Maths, Physics, Charr.tiy Larkana Malhs, Physics Tando Muhammad Khan Maths, Urdu
2. Qualifications:  a. Science Teacher:- ) MSc Maths with BSc Physics 121 MSc Physics with BSc Maths (31 MSc Chemistry with BSc Biology (4) MSc Biology. BSc Chemistry (Only those candidates to apply who are fulfilling above mentioned subjects combination). b. Align. MA English, Urdu, Pak Std, Islamiyat c. Fine Art Teachers. BFA/MFA. 3. Submission of Applications:  CV alongwith 2 (two) passport sbe photographs, duly attested copies of testimonials and CNIC should reach Fauji Foundation Regional Office, Meezanine Roor, Dadabhoy Centre Opposite Aisha Bawany SatedShahrah-e-Faisal Karachi 75530, latest by 12Feb 2014, covering following.- a. Photocopies of certificates / degrees and detail marks sheets Matric to MA/MSc. b. Bio Data Form is available on web site yonti.ul..tik. c. Choice for stations (at least three) in order of priority for posing on selection. 4. Selection Procedure:- a. OnN short listed candidates will be called for written test and those passing the rest will be called for interview. Venue fortestfinterview would be communicated through call letters. b. Selected teachers will be assigned to teach any level of grade as deems appropriate hydra Faun Foundation/School authority. S. Ineligible Candidates:-  a. Above 45 years of age. b. Terminated from Fauji Foundation on disciplinary ground. c. Appeared twice but failed/rejected. S. Service/ Financial Benefits: a. 30 Years contract or 60 years of age, whichever is eadier b. Approximate Gross Salary for Science subjects and English teachers is Rs. 30,000, in big cities and Rs. 29,000/. in small cities. c. Approximate Gross Salary for Arts subjects teachers is Rs. 29,000, in big cares and Rs. 28000, in small cities. d. 10 days casual Nave, 15 days sick leave, 42 days maternity leave (too female), 1 /30. of duty days equal to earned leave. e. Annual increment, Gratuity, Earned Leave Encashment, ENO Group Insurance. 7. For any additional information applicants may contact Telephone Number: 021- 32791562-5, 32790314 and 051-595182140, Eidension 0720& 1738 or visit webs,


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