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Saturday, 12 October 2013

Specialists, Senior Registrars Required - State of Kuwait - Ministry of Health - Islamabad

MINISTRY OF HEALTH SITUATION VACANT Anaesthesiology and intensive care doctors and technicians are required for the Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait
to work in their hospitals with the following qualifications and experience:
A - Specialists
Total Nos. : 2
B - Senior Registrars
Total Nos. : 2
C - Anaesthesia Technicians Total Nos. : 2
Qualification for Specialists and Senior Registrars: Bachelor 4- Masters in Anaesthesiology and Intensive care + Fellowship/ American / Canadian/ Australian / British Board/ Ph.D. or equivalent from a recognized university. Experience for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care: Specialists: Total 15 years experience. Senior Registrars: Total 10 years experience. Qualifications for Anaesthesia Technicians: Educational / Technical: B.Sc. Anaesthesia Technology or Minimum 2 years Diploma after higher Secondary. Four years experience in the field of Anaesthesia and intensive care. Expectations: Successful candidates will be expected to provide up-to-date service and manage all problems in their respective field including the complicated ones.
Applications including detailed C.V. with complete contact address, Telephone, fax Nos and email ID with copies of qualification, experience certificates, passport copy and names of three referees to be sent to the following address:
The Embassy of State of Kuwait PO. Box 1030, GPO Islamabad - Pakistan

Punjab Board of Investment and Trade - Govt of Punjab - Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities
The Government of Punjab Punjab Board of Investment & Trade
Punjab Board of Investment and Trade (Puff), a company registered under Section 42 of the Cotnpanies Ordinance, 1984, is : Government of the Punjab owned Investment Promotion & Trade Facilitation Agency of the province. The accomplishment of the vision envisaged by Chief Minister, Punjab is based on quality of human resource. PBIT is an equal opportunity organization having wide scope of work in investment and trade promotion with challenging gords. Applications arc invited from eligible candidates at market competitive salary for the following post: Chief Executive Officer  Qualification: Candidates must possess Masters Degree in business/finance/management duly recognized by HEC. Foreign qualification will be preferred. Experience: (a) Should have minimum experience of 16 years in handling and managing reputable organisations, preferably as CEO (hi Should be well acquainted with the various functions within a company e.g. accounting, finance, human msource and marketing etc. (e) Experience in areas of trade and promotion at International level will be preferred. Maior Job Responsibilities. including but not limited to. are as follow: • Provide leadership to the company in achieving the goals net by the Board of Directors (DOD). • Image building, investment promotion, trade facilitation and policy advocacy. • Showcase Punjab as ideal investment and business destination. • Liaise with the BOO. federal government, provincial departments/organizations and trade bodies. • Rcsponsibie for managing the administrative and financial affairs of the companY. • Represent Company at national and international level to promote investment and business opportunities. • Supervise and evaluate performance of the company employees as per their Key Performance Indicators. • Any other assignment delegated by the Board of Directors. Note: I. Application must reach by 21.10-2013 , 2. Application should be accompanied with detailed CV. giving two references and one passport sized photograph. : 3. Application must be submitted with attested copies of CNIC, educational qualifications and domicile. 4. The above position is on contract basis, for a period of three years. 5. Incomplete applications will not be entertMned. • 6. All eligible government employees may also apply for the said position. 7. Only shonlisted candidates will be called for interview. ' S. No TA/DA will be paid to candidates for the interview. : 9. Application must be made to Director (HR & Admin.) at the address given below, Punjab Board of Investment & Trade 23-Aikman Road GOB!. Lahore, Paldslan IPL-10166 Phone: 042-99205201-6, Fax: 042-99205171 www.nbit.con.ok

Rai Medical College Sargodha - Faculty Required

li Faculty is required teaching hospitals attractive packages furnished accommodation FACULTY REQUIRED for the Rai Medical College and its own attached 510 bedded against the following posts. Special revised and very and excellent service terms and conditions, such as free in the premises and free medical treatment etc. Posts Basic Sciences Disciplines [Clinical Sciences I disciplines *Professors *Associate Professors *Assistant Professors *Senior Registrars *Demonstrators/RMOs *Anatomy *Pharmacology and Therapeutics' 'Medicine *Paediatnics *Physiology *Community Medicine 7Surgery 'Orthopaedics *Biochemistry 'Forensic Medicine & 'oncology 'tib"ni" *Radiology & GYN. dam' *Anesthesia *Pathology 'Medical Education *ENT "Dermatology 'Eye 'Psychiatry Desired pm* .thecandidate must be efeible as per criteria of AMC for the respective mike. gastdate of application is 2 at October, 2013 •Complete CV with testimonids and PMDC reentrance, mentroning the possible date of joining must reach to the following address before tile last date:- Principal RAI MED CAL COLLEGE Near 33 Phatak, Islamabad Road, Sargodha Ph: +92 48 3761200, 3761201 Fax: 3761400, 0323-6011116

University of Health Sciences Lahore - Research Associates Required

Applications are invited from eligible Pakistani candidates to ill two positions of Research Associates under the research projects sponsored by Highe Education Commission and Pakistan Science Foundation respectively. o Sr. Post N.
7. Research Associate
Research Associate
CONDITIONS  Applications are required to submit application on the prescribed proforma available on www.uhs.eclutakidownIctads alongwith attested copies of documents, degrees. certificates. CNIC, domicile and three fresh passport size colour photographs. 2) The applications, complete in all respect, must reach the office of Director (Admin Et Gourd) University of Health Sciences. Khayaban-e-Jamie Punjab, Lahore. by 30.10.2013  before closing hours. 3) University of Health Sciences Lahore is an equal opportunity employer REGISTRAR University of Health Sciences Lahore Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore Ph 042-99231304-9, UAN: 111-3333-66, Fax: 042-99230870
Project Duration Pay Rs.13000/- per month Quallficationa "MolecularGerietic Studies in Pakistani Families with Schizophrenia" funded by !AEC 2 years BSc (Hons)/ MSc/MPhil in Biological/ Molecular Sciences or related discipline Molecular Genetic Studies In Pakistani Families with Autosomal Recessive Primary Microcephalyz funded by PSF 2 years Rs.13000/- per Month BSc (Hone) / MSc In Biological/ Molecular Sciences or related discipline.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology - Khuzdar - Job Opportunities

Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology - Khuzdar - Job Opportunities
Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, (BUET) Khuzdar invites applications on the prescribed form available University website, www.buetk.eduspk from the eligible candidates for appointment against the following vacant posts:-
Terms and condition 1. Candidates already working in Government Service/Semi Government/Autonomous Bodies should apply through proper channel (Relaxation in maximum age limit will be allowed to University/ Govt. employees as per Govt. Rules) 2. No. T.A/DA will be paid to candidates appearing for test/interview. 3. Only short listed candidates will be called for test/interview. 4. The applications should reach to the Office of Assistant Registrar (Establishment), BU ET, Khuzdar by or before 31-10-2013. The applications received after due date will not be entertained. Note:- The applicants should sent Pay Order /DD of Rs.500/- in the name of Registrar payable at UBL.. Khuzdar
I. PID(0)246/13
Sher Ahmed Qambra Registrar
S.# Position Discipline Minimum Qualification Experience Minimum Number of Publications 1 Professor NPS-21 Male/Female Civil CSES PhD degree in relevant field, recognized by HEC in consultation with PEC 15 years teaching/ research experience in the relevant field in a National or International HEC recognized organization. OR 10-years post-PhD. teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization. 15 research publications with at least 5 in the last five years in HEC/PEC recognized journals 2 Associate Professor NPS-20 Male/Female CSES PhD degree in relevant field from Institution recognized by HEC in consultation with PEC 10 years teaching experience in the relevant field in a National or International HEC recognized organization. OR 5-years post PhD. teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization. 10 research publications with atleast 4 in the last 5 years in HEC/PEC recognized journals 3 Associate Professor NPS-19 Male/Female Civil Master degree in relevant field from an HEC recognized University/Institution 2-years teaching/research experience in a recognized institution/university/college OR 2-yeaars professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international Organization. Nil OR , PhD in the relevant field From HEC recognized University / Institution No Experience is required for PhD degree holders. Nil 4 Lecturer NPS-18 Male/Female Lab. Lecturer NPS-18 male/Female Civil Elec Mech CSES Civil Mech CSES Master's Degree/ B.Sc (Engr.) (First Class) in the relevant field from HEC recognized University/ Institution with no 3rd division in the academic career (PEC Registered) No. Experience required Nil 5 Lecturer NPS-18 Male/Female Pak Studies First Class Master's Degree OR equivalent degree awarded after 16 years of education in the relevant field with no 3rd Division in the academic career from an HEC recognized University/ Institution. (PEC Registered) Not Experience required Nil

Health District Govt - Sialkot - Career Opportunities

Health District Govt - Sialkot - Career Opportunities

DHA - Lahore - Career Opportunities

DHA - Lahore - Career Opportunities

Health Department - Gujranwala - Medical Staff Required

Health Department - Gujranwala - Medical Staff Required

Rawalpindi Medical College and Allied Hospitals Rawalpindi - Professor Required

Rawalpindi Medical College and Allied Hospitals Rawalpindi - Professor Required
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Applications are invited On prescribed form for appOintrnent On adh0C basis against the vacant posts frOM 1701h (Male & FeMale) candidates Mentioned below aVailable in RMC/ALLIED HOSPITALS, RAWALPINDI.
Caere of Posts
No. of Vac ant Posts
Upper Age Limit
Professors of the following specialties.
Senior R istrars of the following specialties.
Levels of ualifications for Cppointmeilt of teachers by Pfil&DC
General Information:  The Selection CornmiHee shall make selection strictly on merit. 2 Appointments will be made on adhoc basis according to Government of the Punjab rules & regulations. a Applications will be acceptable only on the prescribed forms available at the office of the undersigned at RING. New Teaching block (Holy Family Hospital) Rawalpindi and can be download from c011ege web site www.rme.edurek  4. Application forms duly filled according to given instructions accompanying all necessary attested documents should be received in the office of the undersigned at RMC, New Teaching Block. Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi by 31-10-2013.. S The applicant must have Punjab Domicile. S Only the applicants fulfilling the required qualification and experience etc should apply. 7 Incomplete OR applications received after the due date will not be considered. 8 Candidates with higher qualification/experience will be preferred 9 Candidates using unfair means will not be considered. 10. The competent authority is authorized for any change of schedule and number of posts etc. 11. The candidates already working in any Government department should apply through proper charnel. 12. Schedule of interview/test for selection will be communicated by post & website to the eligibte/short listed candidates after scrutiny of the applications. 13. Foreign qualifications must be recognized by PMDC. 14. 02% disable quota as per Government instructions. Prof. Muhammad Umar 15 No TA/DA will be admissible. Principal RMC & Allied Hospitals IPL-10074 Rawalpindi.
Anatomy BiochemistryPathology Pharmacology 20 01 01 01 01 1. MOBS or equivalent Medical Qualification fully recognized/ registered by the PM&DC. 2. PMADC recognised .vel Ilb and level 11I qualifications in respective basic Subjects OR Equivalent PM&DC level lib and level Ill gealifications in the respective specialty approved for teaching by Standing Recognition Committee and recognized/registered by PM&DC. 3. Three years teaching experienoe es an Associate Professor n the respective subjects OR Nine years teaching experience as an Assistant Professor n Re respective subject A A total of at least five research publications are required Only an original arede published in a medical 10..1 approved by the PM&DC shall be acceptable. Dissertation/Thesis shall not be counted. 35 to 55 years Surgery Ophthalmology Pediatrics Urology Radiology Anesthesiology OrRopthlics COT Cardiology 20 01 02 Of 01 Si 01 01 01 01 1. MOBS or equivalent Medical Qualification Only recognized/ registered by the Ple&DC. 2. PM&DC level Ill qualification in respective subject like FCPS/M.S/M.D OR Other equivalent level Ill qualificatiors n the resPective specially approved SRC and recognizesereeistered by P0100 a Three years teaching experience as an Associate Professor in the respective subject is essential provided that total experence as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor is not less than 8 years OR Nine years teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the respective subject I s essential 4 A total of at least Eve research publications are repulsed Only an original aRcle published in a medical journal approved by the PIARDC shall be acceptable. Dissertation/Thesis snail not be counted. 5 No level II diploma holder be eligible for appointment. Associate Professors of the following specialties. 2. Anatomy Physiology Pathology Pharmacology 19 02 01 Oil vi 1. MOBS or equivalent Medical Qualification fully recognized/ registered by the PM&DC. 2 PM&DC recognized level Ilb and level Ill qualificatioes in respective basic subjects OR Equivalent PAI&DC level ilb and level In qualifications in Me respective specialty approved for teaching by Standing Recognition Committee and recognized/registered by PM&DC. 3. Five years teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the relevant suthects 4. A total of at least three research publications are required Only an original article published ma medical joernal approved by the PM&DC shall be acceptable. Dissertation/Thesis shan nol be counted 30 to 50 years Forensic Medicine 19 01 1. MBBS or equivalent Medical Qualification fully recognized/ registered by the PAA&DC. 2 Phil&DC recognized level lib and level III qualifications in respective basic subjects OR Equvalent PM&DC !eve 11A b and level III qualifications in the respective specialty approved for leeching by Standing Recognition Committee and recognized/registered by PM&DC. 3. Five years teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the relevant subjects 4. A total of at least three research publications are required Only an original article published in a magical journal approved by the PM&DC shall he acceptable. Dissertation/Thesis shall not be counted 5. Holders of DMJ one year full time course are eligible. Sweet)/ Obs/037.9 Pediarks OphthalmologyRadiokresPsychstro19 01 03 01 01 Oil 01 1. MIMS or equivalent Medical Qualification recognized/ registered by the PM&DC_ 2. PM&DC recognized level III qualifications in respective subject like F C P.S/M.S/M.I3 OR Other equivarent level RI qualifications in the specialty approved by Standing Recognition Committee and receanizerereeistered by the PM&DC 3. Five years teaching expernence as an Assistant Professor in the relevant subject. 4. A total of at least three research publications are required. Only an original article published in a medical jcurnal approved by the PM&DC shall be acceptable. Dissertation/Thesis shall not be counted. 5 No level 11 holder be eligible for appointment -do-Assistant Professors of the following specialties. 3. Physiolothi Pharr...they IS 01 02 1. MOBS or equivalent Medical Qualification fully recognized/registered by the PM&DC 2 PM&OC recognized levellIty and level 1/1 qualifthations in respective basic ...wets OR Equivalent PAA&DC level II b and level Ill qualifications in the respective specially approved for teaching by Standing Recognition Committee and recognizediregistered by PMSDC. 3 02 years teaching experience as Demonstrator before and after level-Its se experience is required thr level-Illpost-gradoetion who can be appointed directly as Assistant Professor. 4 No publication is requred. but may receive preference in selecton. 25-45 Years Community Medicine 15 07 1. MBBS or equivalent Medical ChiggificatIon fully recognized/ registered by the PM&DC. 2. PM&DC recognized level it b and level Ill qualificatiens in respect ve basic subjects OR Equivalent PM&DC level Ito b and level III qualifications in the reepective specialty approved for teaching by Standing Recognition Committee one recognized/registered by PMSOC. 3. Three years teaching experience as Senior Lecturer alter post-graduation qualification is required. 9. No publication is required 5. Holders of MPH one year full time course are eligible. -do-Medicine Sura<r1.Obs/Gynac ENT Pediatrics Psychiatry Radiology Nephrology III Cl 01 Cl 05 01 07 05 03 1. MOBS or equivalent Medical Qualification recoenizedl registered by the PM&DC. 2. PM&OC recognized level III qualifications in respective subject like r.c.P.SRA.S/M.D OR 3. Ottith equivaleet ievel Ill eudlifiventioms ia the specialty approved by Standing Recognition Committee and recognized/regatered by the PM&DC U. Three years teaching experience in the respective subject as a Senior Registrar in a recognized institution if qualification is general. 5. No level II holder be eligible for appointment. -do-
Modicum tO 04 1. MOBS or equivalent Medical Qualification 25-45 Years Surgery ObeGynee 09 10 recognized/ registered by the PM&DC. 2. PM&DC reoognized level Ill qualification in ENT 03 respective subject like F.C.P.S/M.SIM.0 OR Eye 07 Other equivalent level III qualifications in the Pediatrics 07 specialty approved by Standing Recognition Cardiology 02 Committee and recognized/registered by the Anesthesia 30 PM&DC Orthopedics 04 3. No level 11 diploma holder be eligible for Neurreurgery 04 appointment Radiology 04 9. Experience in tne relevant field will be preferree. Urology Cl Psychiatry 02 Casualty(Surgery) 01 ICLI (04 Emergencybrecionej 01 Bums 02 Gareueeterology 02 Hepaiology 02 Naphronegy 02 • Live, Histepsthology 01 1. MBBS or equivalent Medical Qualification recognized/ registered by the PM&DC. (mereresreav) 2. PM&DC recognized level III qualification in • letweentiorol 01 respective subject like F.0 P S/M SW OUR Radiologist hiewereereneer) Other equivalent lend Ill qualifications in the specialty approved by Standing Recognition Committee and recognized/registered by the PM&DC. a Ivo level II diploma holder be eligible for appointment. 4 Experience in the relevant fed WU be preferred.
Learning Levels Clinical McdicaUDental(leabfication Duration Basis Scisnces Qualifications Level -1 htfil3S/13DS 5-0 years Level -11a Diploma in clinical sciences (one year) 1 year after leval-1 MPH/DMJ (One year diploma) Level -11 b MLYS/M.ScrNISPHafther nomenclatures 2 years after level -1 M.PhilIDMJIMCPS/M SUMSPH (Two year-a)/Other nomenclatures Level-III MD/MSAIDS/TCPS/M5D/Diplomat American Boards/ether nomenclatures 3 years altar revel -I FCPS/PhOrother nomenclatures

Punjab Board of Technical Education - Lahore - Secretary, Controller of Examination Required

Punjab Board of Technical Education - Lahore - Secretary, Controller of Examination Required
The Punjab Board of Technical Education, Lahore requires the services of suitably qualified male and female candidates of Punjab province for the following post on contract basis for duration of three years.
Sr. Name of Pont Maximum Age Qualification /Experience
01 Secretary
1) B.Sc Engineering / MBA / fvf,A / Masters in any subject from HEC recognized University/ MA, LL.B. 50 Years 2) 8 years post qualification experience in teaching / administration of institutions in BPS-18 and above. Proficient in Computer.
02 Controller of Examinations
1) B.Sc Engineering / MBA / MPA / Masiers in any subject from HEC recognized University / MA, LL.B. 50 Years 2) 8 years post qualification experience in teaching / administration of institutions in BPS-18 and above. Proficient in Computer.
I. The posts will be filled on contract basis. 2. Application delivered by hand will not be accepted. 3. Applications along with C.V, attested copies of all testimonials (only recognized Institutes / Universities), relevanl experience certificates, domicile, copy of N.I.C. (Computerized), one recent passport-Size photograph should be submitted to the Secretary, Punjab Board' of Technical Education, 21-A Kashmir Block, Allows lqbal Town, Lahore via registered post upto 25-10-2013 . 4. Serving Govt. servants should send their applications through their respective departments. Advance copy of application will not be acceptable. 5. Post applied for should be clearly written on top right comer of the envelop. 6. No TA/DA will be paid for interview / joining. Incomplete applications or applications received after due date will not he entertained. 7. The Board Administration reserves the right not to fill the post; Withhold the appointment against the advertisement post without assigning any reason. 8. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview. 9. All positions are presently based in Lahore. 10. Candidates must apply on prescribed forms available on website . Application not on rescribed forms will not be entertained.
CHAIRMAN Punjab Board Of Technical Education, Lahore.

Grafton College - Faculty Required

Grafton College - Faculty Required

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Operator, Electrician and Skilled Worker Required - Dubai

Operator, Electrician and Skilled Worker Required - Dubai

Urgently Required for Oman

Urgently Required for Oman

We are looking for highly motivated, energetic, experienced personals for our International projects. X B.Sc. Civil, min experience (15 Years) X B.Sc. Civil, min experience (10 Years) B.Sc. Civil, min experience (08 Years) X B.Sc. Civil, min experience (06Years) B.Sc. Civil, min experience (06 Years)
X DAE Civil, min experience (10 Years) All the persons should have good experience of executing on Mega Water Su ly roject with International Donors and Consultants.
Apply with your updated CV to the following: A ly before October 10, 2013