Expression of Interest is invited from interested companies / parties Tel transportation of crude oil from ex-field locations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Province to Attock FRefinery Limited (AF2L) and other probable destinations such as mid country refinery PARCO in a safe, risk free and reliable manner through pipeline on Build-Own-Operator (BOO) basis. The E01 should inclucie relevant details pertaining to a. Technical Competence b. Financial Competence c. Management Competence d. Key Experts etc. e. Geographic Experience including relevant earliersimilarventure(s) undertaken. Complete set of EOlincluding terms and conditions can be downloaded free of cost from the official website ( The envelope rnust be clearly rnarked in bold "EOlfor Crude Transportation through pipeline" addressed to General Manager (SCM). Bids must be received at address below by 25th January 2014 (COB).
OGDCL, invites Sealed Bids alongwith bid bond mentioned in the SOR/TOR to be submitted with technical bid(s) for the material and services given below on F.O.R basis under Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding System as per PPRA Rules:
S. TENDER No ENQUIRY NO. DESCRIPTION BID SUBMISSION DATE & TIME AT 11:00 HRS BID OPENING DATE & TIME AT 11:30 HRS 1. PROC-L(0)/PT/ADMIN/14920/13 OGDCL Letters 13-01-2014 13-01-2014 2. PROC-L(B)/PT/P&P/OP/COM/14889/13 Calibration Gas Mixtures 13-01-2014 13-01-2014 3. PR0C-L(D)/PT/ADMIN/14919/13 OGDCL Logo 14-01-2014 14-01-2014 4. PROC-L(B)/PT/CSR/14900/13 5. PROC-L(B)/PT/AOMIN/CHM1J14906/13 Diesel Generating Set 12 KVA Water Treatment Chemicals 14-01-2014 16-01-2014 14-01-2014 16-01-2014 6. P600-L(D)/PT/EXPL/TYRE/14893/13 Tyres, Tubes & Flaps 16-01-2014 16-01-2014 7 PR0C-L(B)/PT/CSR/14905/13 Diesel Generating 51/ 9.5 KW, 17-01-2014 17-01-2014 8 PROC-L(B)/PT/P&P/CP/14913/13 Commercial Propane (Refrigerant) 17-01-2014 17-01-2014
2. The Master Set of Tender Document, Annexure(s), Terms & Conditions, SOF2 & TOR can be viewed carefully and downloaded from website under the title bar of Tenders and bids must be submitted accordingly. OGDCL does not sell hard copy of tender documents. 3. The bids will be delivered at the reception of OGDCL House, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan on or before the date and time mentioned above against each tender and the same will be opened accordingly. 4. In view of the security measures, complete name, designation and CNIC No. of your authorized representative desiring to attend the tender opening rneeting, must be provided in advance so that our Security/Reception are accordingly informed for allowing entry.
OGDCL intends to invite sealed bids from reputed firms / bidders registered with PEC in C-5 and above category on item rate basis for execution of Engineering Works under the Technical Evaluation Criteria given in the bid docurnents & Competitive Bidding Single Stage Single Envelop procedure of PPRA Rules. Detail is as under:
S. TENDER No. ENQUIRY NO. . DESC."." Estimate Cost of work Bid Security (Rs) Schedule Time for Completion Bid Submission Date.. Bid Opening Date &Tirne i CNESS/EFP-11/ — 2013/100 ,,ioristruction of pre wolirsgalgaltraligii y,iii #01 District Hyderabad Rs. 22.270 Millions Rs . 40, • ' 3 07-01-2014 at 11:00 AM 07-01-2014 at 11:30 AM 2 C&ESS/EFP-V/ • 2013/101 Construction of Pre Drilling Engineering W pasaki Dee, we„ # 04 District Hyderabad Rs. 23.050 Millions Rs. 461,000/. 30 days 09-01-2014 at 11:00 AM 09-01-2014 at 11:30 AM
2. Tender documents can be downloaded from website under the title bar to Tenders. 3. Information or clarification of the Tender Documents can be obtained from the office of the Party Chief EFP-V at least five days before bid submission date. Thereafter no clarifications shall be entertained. 4. The Bids may be delivered in the under mentioned office on the schedule mentioned above and the same will be opened accordingly in presence of Bidders' representatives. 5. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids at any time prior to acceptance of a bid or proposal as per PPRA Rules 2004. Party Chief (Eng ineering Field Patty-V) 0/0 TCS Area Office Hyderabad Sindh, Ph: 0300-5001451
With reference to our tender notice published in National Newspapers on October 12, 2013, it is notified that 'n order to encourage the interested bidders to participate in the following tenders, bid submission / opening dates have been extended as follows instead of existing:
PROC-FB/C0/D-882 /2013
January 03, 2014 07 1030 HOURS (PST)
January 03, 2014 AT 1100 HOURS ( PST)
All other terms & conditions shall rernain unchanged.
General Manager (Supply Chain Management) /471% OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED SSDCL 51-9223540 245-Fax No.2-519215C,920753 0
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